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    200 South Wille Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056

    Phone: 847-253-0631

    Fax: 847-253-5387

    Email: stmarkmp@stmarkmp.org


    St. Mark Lutheran Church (ELCA)

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    Hello & Welcome!


    Join us for In Person Worship on Sunday mornings at 10am.


    Join us for Worship On-line!

    Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StMarkLutheranIL/ 

    as well as

    our YouTube Channel https://tinyurl.com/stmarkmpyoutube 


    Sunday Worship Services are LIVE on Facebook at 10am then posted to YouTube afterward 


  • Offerings & Donations

    Use PayPal for Offerings or Donations by clicking on the button below.

    We also accept contributions through Zelle using our email address - Stmarkmp@stmarkmp.org ,

    Bill Pay through your bank or a check payable to St. Mark Lutheran Church

    and mailed to 200 S. Wille St., Mount Prospect, IL 60056

    The choice is yours!

  • Social Media Feed!

    Check out the latest updates!

  • Announcements & Events

    New Members

    Are you interested in officially becoming a member of St. Mark? We are gathering people to be welcomed as new members and would love for you to be a part of it! Contact the Church Office. 




    Children's Christian Education Programs

    (September - May)


    Contact the Church Office for information on this program.



    FaithWalk - Confirmation Program for 6th-8th grade is a collaberation between St. Mark Lutheran Church, Grace Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church. The class meets on Mondays from 4:30pm-6pm.

    Taking Faith Home

    Taking Faith Home are weekly flyers that are a simple tool to help your family extend their faith formation practices at home. Based on the worship scripture text for the week, each flyer contains faith-building scripture, activities and devotions to help you and your family share and live your faith together during the week. Attached are the Taking Faith Home flyers:


    September 22 - 18th Sunday after Pentecost

    September 29 - 19th Sunday after Pentecost

    October 6 - 20th Sunday after Pentecost

    October 13 - 21st Sunday after Pentecost


    Book Club


    The St. Mark Book Club welcomes all readers of all ages. We meet at 1:00 PM in the Library at St. Mark on the 4th Monday each month, with the exception of December. We read a variety of books and authors and have lively discussions each month. Here is the reading list for the rest of 2024:


    October 28 - The Great Divide by Christina Henriquez

    November 25 - Wellness by Nathan Hill


    Contact the church office for more information.


    Adult Education

    The Sunday morning Adult Forums in October return to the familiar pattern of a variety of topics for people’s different interests. Discussion of a Living Lutheran article returns October 13. On Sunday, October 20, Pastor Schaefer will help the group take a deeper look at the sermon for that morning. Finally, on October 27, we will have “Good Neighbors” from the agencies working with the St. Mark Migrant Ministry Committee, along with Cindy Ashton and Linda Olson, to update us on how this important outreach effort is progressing.


    B(older) U

    Here is a list of activities
    that are currently scheduled:



    Thursdays from 10-10:45am

    September 26-October 31

    at the Center

    Friends Welcome!

    Lunch and Learn

    Lunch and Learn will meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


    Stay tuned for the November info


    If there is a topic for the lunch and learn or movie you would like to suggest, please
    contact Linda Olson or the church office.



    St. Mark reopened as a PADS Shelter site on Monday October 7. In conjunction with St. Raymond, several other local churches and many community members, we have provided food, shelter and support to our homeless neighbors for more than 35 years. We provide shelter, dinner, breakfast and fellowship each Monday night between October and April.

    We are in need of new volunteers and donors to help us continuethis important mission. If you are interested in volunteering at the site or helping with food preparation, please contact Mike Mokate at

    847-846-6576 or mike.mokate56@gmail.com.
    Thanks to all for your kindness and support ofour neighbors in God’s love.

    Migrant Ministry Request

    We are currently hosting our second family in the parsonage and are still in contact with the first family, who is currently living in Hanover Park. One consistent need for these families is winter coats. The Migrant Ministry Committee is requesting donations of new or gently used winter coats. If you are interested in participating, tags with gender and sizes are available out by the coffee area. People can drop coats off in the Great Room where the committee will pick them up. As the weather is starting to turn, we are
    hoping to collect all the coats by the end of October. Thank you for considering donating to this worthy cause.


    (or anyone else who would like to join us)


    Thursday, October 17 at 1:00pm

    at Sports Page Bar & Grill

    1330 E. Rand Rd., Arlington Heights

    RSVP to Marilyn Gosell or the Church Office 847-253-0631 by Monday, October 14


    Quilters (knotters) will meet at 9:30am on the upcoming date in the Quilting room (second floor of the Education wing): 

    Wednesday, October 16 & Tuesday, October 22

    For more information, contact the Church Office 847-253-0631.


    Saturday, October 26

    6:30pm at

    Edelweiss German American Cuisine

    7650 W. Irving Park Rd., Norridge

    Live Entertainment by Alpine Thunder

    Please RSVP to Kim Perlich or the Church Office by Wednesday,

    October 23

    Limited Seating

    Women's Bible Study

    Monday, October 28 (date change)

    7pm in the Great Room

    following Beth Moore's study

    Esther-It's tough being a woman

    This Bible Study typically meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm and will resume this in November.

    Men's Bible Study

    Monday, October 28 (date change)

    7pm in the Library

    continuing the study on Romans

    This Bible Study typically meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm and will resume this in November.

    Fair Trade items on Sale

    Sunday, October 27

    Olive Oil, Coffee, Chocolate & more

    Social Justice

    Sunday, October 27

    The Social Justice Group will meet 3-4:15pm in the Great Room.

    Holiday Celebration

    Saturday, November 16

    7 PM

    St. Mark Center

    Join us for Desserts, Dancing and Drinks at The Center with a return performance by Sidemen Little Big Band! This evening of fellowship and fundraising will offer amazing prizes generously donated by our own congregation, including the sharing of our God-given special gifts of time and talent as well as traditional silent auction prizes.

    Admission is $20.00 per adult.

    Backpack Ministry

    “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” 

    Matthew 25:35

    The school year has begun, and Backpack Ministry is back to work supporting local
    children who benefit from receiving food to take home over the weekend. This year we are supporting students from Lions Park and Fairview schools.

    Please support this ministry by dropping off the following items in the basket located
    in the narthex:

    CreamyPeanut Butter
    Squeezable Jelly

    Canned BeefStew/Chili


    Macaroni andCheese

    CannedFruit and Vegetables

    Single Serving Cereal Boxes
    Oatmeal in Individual Packets

    CerealBars/Granola Bars
    Raisins in SmallBoxes

    IndividualJell-O/Pudding Cups

    Cookies in Individual Packages


    *Please note that items in glass containers or expired items cannot be accepted.

    Donations made payable to St. Mark and noted for Backpack ministry help us fill in the
    gaps to ensure that all children have a hearty and healthy variety of items.

    Are you interested in lending a hand? Please contact Pam Fehling/Sherry Grobe or the Church Office if you would like to help pack or deliver food.

  • Our Ministries

    We have a place for you!

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    Adult Education

    Learning for the enrichment of daily living, we participate in midweek Bible Study, Fall and Lenten Focus studies and special topic sessions.

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    Backpack Ministry

    St. Mark, working with School District 57, provides a backpack of healthy food for children in need for over the weekend during the school year.

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    Congregational Care

    Caring for the congregation takes many volunteers. Supporting members by sending cards, making calls, delivering flowers, participation on the prayer chain, and making shawls, in addition to providing rides to church or appointments.

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    Fair Trade Products

    We sell Fair Trade Products from Equal Exchange, a worker-owned co-operative. Equal Exchange's mission is to foster mutually beneficial relationship between farmers and consumers by paying producers a guaranteed minimum price that provides a stable source of income as well as improved social services.

    Typically, Fair Trade Products are sold on the 4th Sunday of each month.

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    Summer BBQs, Mardi Gras Potluck, Lenten Meals, outings and more! Come out and meet some new friends or reconnect with old ones.

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    Music Ministry

    People of all ages and levels of experience participate in our music ministry. Come and share your talents:  Vocal Choir, Handbell Choir, Youth Choir and Youth Bell Choir.

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    Enjoy food? Come and join the Nibblers as they find new places to eat around our community each month. Typically, Nibblers meets on the 1st Saturday of each month.



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    Collecting food items for Mt. Prospect Emergency Food Pantry and the Lutheran Church of the Cross Food Pantry; participating in the Mt. Prospect 4th of July Parade, the Mt. Prospect Block Party, Feed My Starving Children, Crop Hunger Walk, and helping Refugee One with the relocation of refugee families.

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    (Public Access to Deliver Shelter)

    St. Mark works in conjunction with Journeys|The Road Home and St. Raymond de Penafort Catholic Church to provide meals and shelter for the homeless on Monday nights at the St. Mark Center from October through April.

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    Do you like to do small projects around the house or yard?  The church has projects to do, too! Your special talents/knowledge could be helpful.

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    St. Mark quilters meet twice monthly to put together quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

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    Senior Lunch Bunch

    Meets monthly to get together with friends for a meal or outing.

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    Our Goal: to be wise stewards of the resources with which we have been blessed . If you have good financial sense and a heart for doing the work of the church, join us.

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    Women of the ELCA


    St. Mark Women of the ELCA is our local unit of the churchwide women's organization. Activities range from educational to spiritual to social to charitable.

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    Serve as an acolyte, greeter, reader, cantor, lay minister, communion assistant, usher, audio-video technician, or serve on altar guild. There are many ways to participate.

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    Youth & Family Ministry

    FaithWalk - Confirmation program for 6th through 8th grade, meets on Monday afternoons (4:30-6 pm) mid-September through May;

    Sundays at the Center - Montly intergeneratinal gatherings that include fun, food, fellowship, a service project and craft!


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    Holy Family Ministries

    St. Mark partners with Holy Family ministries in their support of Holy Family School in the North Lawndale neighborhood of Chicago.  This ministry helps support student tuitions, Saturday Morning Academy, Summer School, early morning math enrichment, and after-school homework help.

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    St. Mark/

    St. Raymond Ecumenical Ministry 

    This lay-led group fosters and encourages the special relationship and shared ministries between St. Mark Lutheran Church and St. Raymond Catholic Church. This ministry celebrates our oneness in Christ through our shared Covenant signed in 1999 and renewed in 2010. Its goal is to build upon our long lasting relationship and continue to live our covenant.

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    St. Mark Foundation

    The St. Mark foundation is most known by the educational gifts it awards to the students of the congregation, but the Foundation's philanthropy goes far beyond these educational gifts. Through gifts and member bequests, the Foundation awards grants to support many worthwhile religious and charitable organizations: an ELCA missionary, Journeys/The Road Home, Holy Family Ministries, and Concordia Place, just to name a few.

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    St. Mark Preschool & Enrichment Center

    has been developing the confidence and self-esteem of our community's children for over 65 years, providing a welcoming, safe and encouraging environment. Preschool and Kindergarten Enrichment programs offered. See more on their website at: stmarkpreschoolcares.org

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

    200 South Wille Street
    Mount Prospect, IL 60056
    Church Office Hours
    Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:30 pm
    Friday 8:30 am - 12 noon